Hey All! I live in beautiful Manhattan and work down New York City. I decided to name my blog Espresso and Stilettos because I feel as though those two things describe me better than anything else. I actually work for a coffee company on the marketing team and I live in stilettos. I have a passion for many things including working out, my shih-tzu Oliver, hanging with my gals (& guys), and most of all: coffee. While this blog will mostly be dedicated to my musings about coffee, I will probably talk about other things as well, such as my budding career as a model. I love working in the coffee business and pride myself in my work and education, but I also love modeling and the experiences I get to enjoy working in this field. I plan to always keep my career in the coffee industry and model on the side, but who knows where my path will lead. I hope you enjoy my blog – it’s really just for fun.